pecha kucha help

I have been having some trouble with my pecha kucha presentation. This being said I decided to look on the one place that has a solution for almost anything you can think of, the internet. Of course not knowing exactly where to start I simply went to Google and typed in “pecha kucha”. There I found that there is actually an organization dedicated to this. Furthermore being that I know so little I found that this organization has a facts page that has everything you would want to know about pecha kucha presentations and I figured that was a good place to start. Now this is helpful for format, but I am still lacking a bit in subject matter. Finding a good subject that you’re knowledgeable enough about to be comfortable giving a fast paced presentation on is an excruciating process. However I found that there is a section on this organizations page where you can watch other people’s presentations. From an educational perspective I liked the ones about nurturing creativity and universal grey matter. There are several other places I saw that information can be found, but for now these are helping spark my creative process and if you’re having trouble I think they can help you too.

One thought on “pecha kucha help

  1. What a helpful posting, full of great hyperlinks. This is one of the reasons why I encourage everyone to read each other’s blogs- you’ve provided a great resource here with your posting. I”m looking forward to seeing your Pecha Kucha!


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